Premium Prosta Care

Rs. 1,250
Rs. 1,250
Rs. 1,250
Prices are inclusive of all taxes.
Limited-Time Offers, End in: 151D 8H 23M 0S
  • Life Aveda
Capsules: 60 (Pack of 1)

Reclaim comfort and vitality with Premium Prosta Care capsules. Formulated by experts, harnessing the ancient wisdom of Ayurveda, our potent herbal blend provides unparalleled support for male urogenital well-being. Bid farewell to inflammation, pain, discomfort, and burning sensations while effectively combating enlarged prostate issues. Experience optimized overall wellness, ensuring a healthy range of PSA levels and reviving your vitality.



    • Nagarmotha: Supports prostate health, reduces inflammation.
    • Neem: Anti-inflammatory, boosts immune system.
    • Turmeric: Reduces prostate swelling, anti-inflammatory properties.
    • Ramatulsi: Soothes urinary discomfort, supports prostate function.
    • Punarnava: Promotes urinary tract health, reduces swelling.
    • Gokshur: Supports urinary function, reduces prostate enlargement.

    Who is it for?

    • Men with enlarged prostate
    • Those prone to urinary tract infections
    • Men experiencing frequent urination
    • Men seeking relief from prostate-related pain
    • Men Seeking Relief from Prostate-related Pain


    - For adults: Take 1-2 capsules once or twice daily, or as advised by a healthcare professional.


    - Keep in a cool, dry place, away from sunlight and moisture. Keep out of reach of children and pets.


    - Consult an Ayurveda doctor before use if you have medical conditions or are on medication.


    Q1. What is Premium Prosta Care, and how does it support male urogenital health?

    A1. Premium Prosta Care is an herbal supplement crafted to bolster male urogenital wellness. Its blend of natural herbs works synergistically to address inflammation, discomfort, and other prostate-related concerns, promoting overall well-being in men.

    Q2. What are the recommended dosage and usage instructions for Premium Prosta Care capsules?

    A2. The recommended dosage for Premium Prosta Care capsules is 1-2 capsules daily, preferably taken with water after meals or as advised by a healthcare professional.

    Q3. Are there any potential side effects associated with taking Premium Prosta Care capsules?

    A3. Premium Prosta Care capsules are generally well-tolerated due to their herbal composition. However, individuals may react differently, so it's advisable to monitor for any adverse reactions and consult a healthcare professional if needed.

    Q4. Can Premium Prosta Care capsules be taken alongside other medications?

    A4. Premium Prosta Care capsules are generally safe to take alongside other medications. However, it's recommended to consult a healthcare professional before combining them with any other supplements or medications to avoid potential interactions.

    Q5. Does Premium Prosta Care help reduce the risk of prostate cancer, and how effective is it in managing urinary problems in men?

    A5. While Premium Prosta Care may contribute to reducing the risk of prostate issues, including cancer, and aid in managing urinary problems, individual results may vary. It's essential to consult a healthcare professional for personalized advice and to incorporate a holistic approach to prostate health.