PCOS/PCOD: Symptoms, Causes and Treatment

PCOS/PCOD: Symptoms, Causes and Treatment

PCOS or PCOD is polycystic ovarian syndrome or disorder which is characterized by collection of multiple signs and symptoms. Every 6 out of 10 women of reproductive age are getting affected with this condition. Mostly it,s because of the lifestyle and diet which they follow. Moreover, intake of packed, processed and incompatible foods plays a very important role in making the situation worse. If a woman does not control or discipline her lifestyle and diet then a lot of troubles can knock on the door and one of them is infertility. PCOS has become one of the leading causes of ovarian cyst pain. In ayurveda it is understood that this condition is the result of disbalance in tridosha resulting in production of toxins (Ama).

Key takeaway

A large number of the female population belonging to reproductive age is suffering from PCOS.

Diet and lifestyle followed by a female plays an essential role in development of disease.

PCOS has become one of the leading causes of infertility in females. Ayurveda understands this condition as a result of tridosha imbalance in the body resulting in accumulation of Ama in the body.

Ama blocks the microchannels in the body and creates obstruction in free flow of Vata and then aggravated Vata imbalances the other two doshas as well.

Thus the whole circle is responsible for the symptoms presented in PCOS like Menstrual irregularity, weight gain, unwanted hair growth, hair fall and others.

What is PCOS/PCOD?

PCOS or PCOD is a common hormonal disorder characterized by the imbalance of reproductive hormones thus resulting in a wide range of symptoms. PCOS can be associated with metabolic disturbances like insulin resistance and can put a female at risk of developing diabetes type 2 and cardiovascular disease.

Common symptoms of PCOS/PCOD?

Common symptoms of PCOS/PCOD?

Following are the most common symptoms of PCOS/PCOD:

Irregular menstrual cycles

Periods can be prolonged, delayed, missed or bleeding in between the cycles.

Ovulation dysfunction

Ovulation dysfunction causes infertility issues.

Weight gain / Difficulty losing weight

Weight is a very major concern in maximum patients of PCOS. Skin issues Dark pigmentation, acne on body and face, skin tags etc are quite commonly noticed in PCOS patients.

Mood swings

Repeated mood swings, anxiety, feeling sad or being depressed are noticed in patients in PCOS.

Unwanted hair growth

Facial hair growth or hair growth on back, stomach and other parts of the body is noticed.

How PCOS/PCOD affects your body?

PCOS/PCOD affects the body of a female in various aspects:

  • It disrupts normal ovarian function leading to menstrual irregularity, ovulatory failure and infertility
  • Secretions and elevation of androgen levels (male hormone testosterone) results in manifestation of pimples, unwanted hair growth and male baldness patterns.
  • Various metabolic dysfunction puts pressure on cardiovascular system functioning and puts a female at risk of developing heart diseases.
  • Mental health is also disturbed due to repeated mood swings, irritation and anxiety.

Diagnosing PCOS/PCOD

Diagnosing polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) typically involves a combination of medical history assessment, physical examination, and laboratory tests. Following are the key points of how’s it's done:

Medical history

Like history of irregular menstruation, duration of irregularity, past conditions, history of weight gain etc all is analyzed by questioning the patients.

Blood Tests

To check the hormonal levels and metabolic health Pelvic.


To check the presence of ovarian cysts or follicles.

Diet and lifestyle tips for PCOS/PCOD

PCOS/PCOD Carepack

Diet and lifestyle is the leading cause of development of PCOS in young females. Here are some Diet and lifestyle tips which need to be followed:

Diet must include soaked seeds, nuts and legumes, along with vegetables and a source of protein. Simple, your diet must be balanced.

Intake of milk and milk products along with meat and meat products is to be avoided. As they are highly processed and also have high concentration of synthetic hormones which have a negative impact on the human body 

Increase the intake of green leafy vegetables and reduce intake of white rice, white refined flour and white salt. Shift to a vegan diet and you will see positive results in a very short span of time.

Vegan milk like soy milk, almond milk etc can be preferred.

Infusions of cinnamon, turmeric, tulsi, ginger etc herbs can be of great help. Exercising on a regular basis is important to boost your metabolism and keep you active. Also, regulating your sleep wake cycle is equally important.

9 Ayurveda herbs for PCOS

There are many herbs which can be of benefit in PCOS associated symptoms. The herbs that can be used in this condition are as following:


Shatavari is known to have adaptogen properties thus help the body to adapt to various stressors, support working of the female reproductive system and help in balancing hormones as well. It pacifies all three doshas.


Lodhra is an anti androgenic, which means it prevents the dysfunction of ovarian cells and also can help in establishing the balanced ratio between progesterone and estrogen.


It is a very famous herb which can enhance the quality of ovum or eggs. Also, makes the uterus suitable for implantation by balancing the hormonal switch.


A famous herb from Ayurveda texts, known for its menses regulating properties. It also helps in excessive bleeding in menses.


It also helps in reduce hormonal bloating, helps to improve the digestive process, enhances metabolism and clears out the blockages in the microchannels due to accumulation of toxins.


Aloe vera is also known for clearing out the body channels and also helps to improve digestion. The herb has good results in regulating menses in women.


A herb well known for its anti-inflammatory properties and also helps in eliminating the toxins (Ama) from the body. This helps in free flow of Vata and stabilization of other two doshas as well. It also helps in reducing the size of cysts in the ovaries.


Kachnaar is known to reduce the size of abnormal proliferative cells in the body. Thus it also can reduce the size of cysts in Polycystic ovarian syndrome.


Guggul due to its hot properties is an ultimate partner to clear the blockings in the micro channels. It pacifies Vata dosha as well.


Dalchini is a herb which helps in elimination of ama and excessive kapha from the body. Thus opening the blocked channels and providing Vata with a hassle free passage to move.


PCOS is affecting females of reproductive age and is also a reason for rising cases of female infertility. The hormonal imbalance makes it difficult for a woman to lose weight and be at her best health. That’s why serious lifestyle and diet changes are necessary in this case. Also, taking care of your stress levels is equally important. Stress can trigger a lot of things in the body and one of them is hormonal imbalance. Ayurveda herbs can help in all of the symptoms related to PCOS but obviously healthy modifications in routine are mandatory.

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