PMS (Premenstrual Syndrome): Causes, Symptoms and Ayurveda Herbs

PMS (Premenstrual Syndrome): Causes, Symptoms and Ayurveda Herbs

There are many conditions which affect women but the commonest of all is PMS or premenstrual syndrome. A condition which affects almost every woman on this planet. PMS is affecting women of reproductive age and encompassess a range of physical and emotional symptoms. These symptoms occur in days or weeks leading up to menstruation. Women are mostly misunderstood for their behavior and mood swings but its credit goes to the hormones rushing inside their bodies, even changes as per the phases of the irregular menstrual cycle. Fluctuation in hormones, especially estrogen and progesterone are the main contributors for PMS symptoms.

Key Takeaways

  • PMS or premenstrual syndrome refers to the combination of physical, emotional and psychological symptoms.
  • It starts at least two weeks prior to your period and has a wide range of symptoms like sore breasts, low energy, mood swings, changes in the smell and consistency of your discharge etc.
  • Hormonal changes have their effect on neurotransmitters thus resulting in irregularity of mood.
  • It's better to follow a diet and stay consistent for a workout.
  • Ayurveda understands this condition as an imbalance of Vata and Pitta dosha in the body.
  • Certain Ayurvedic herbs such as Ashoka, Shatavari, Triphala, and Brahmi are traditionally used to alleviate PMS symptoms by supporting female reproductive health, balancing hormones, reducing stress and anxiety, and promoting digestive health.

How Does PMS or Premenstrual Syndrome Occur?

The Premenstrual syndrome or PMS occurs due to the combination of hormonal fluctuations, neurotransmitter imbalance and also by lifestyle factors. Following points explains the cycle:

Hormonal Fluctuations

The menstrual cycle is primarily regulated by estrogen and progesterone hormones. After the ovulation period the estrogen starts to fall down slowly and there is a sudden surge of progesterone and testosterone. These changes trigger various symptoms related to PMS like Depleting energy, bloating, pimples, feeling of doing nothing along with lack of sex drive.

Neurotransmitter Imbalance

As estrogen falls in the body so does serotonin, a neurotransmitter responsible for mood stability thus resulting in anger, irritability, anxiety, depressive feelings and many others.

Lifestyle Factors

Lack of exercise, stress, poor diet, inadequate sleep or disturbed sleep cycles etc. are one of the major reasons responsible for extreme PMS or Premenstrual syndrome related symptoms.

What are the Symptoms of Premenstrual Syndrome or PMS?

Symptoms of Premenstrual Syndrome

The symptoms regarding PMS can be divided into following categories:

Physical Symptoms

Physical Symptoms like breast tenderness, bloating, fatigue, headaches, muscle aches and changes in appetite along with food cravings are commonly noticed.

Emotional Symptoms

It includes Mood swings, Irritability, Anxiety, Depression and Difficulty in concentrating. These are mostly noticed due to low levels of serotonin associated with estrogen drop.

Behavioral Symptoms

There is a decrease in the interest to perform usual activities along with changes in sleep patterns & social withdrawal.

Ayurvedic Herbs for PMS or Premenstrual Syndrome

Ayurvedic Herbs for PMS

There are many Herbs which can help with Premenstrual Syndrome. Such herbs are mentioned below:


Ashoka is a famous herb which benefits women's bodies in many ways. It not only helps in regulation of the menstrual cycle but also helps in pacification of Vata dosha and balances pitta dosha. Thus easing symptoms related to PMS.


Shatavari help in Vata and Pitta pacification. Due to its adaptogenic properties it helps the body in adapting to various types of stress and maintain balance. It also has Medhya properties which help in balancing hormones.


Lodhra has anti-inflammatory properties and can help in PMS symptoms. It is really effective in easing the uterine cramps and can help in regulating estrogen along with progesterone.


Turmeric has a chemical compound called curcumin which can help in easing pain and also is helpful in blood purification. Turmeric has a uterine cleansing effect as well.

Valerian Root or Tagar

Valerian Root or Tagar is having a calming effect on the body and promotes relaxation. It helps in secretion of serotonin and thus ease the sleep disturbances. It works by not causing morning grogginess or dependence.


Ginger helps to relieve gas, bloating and other gastric disturbances in the digestive system. Ginger also helps in easy bowel movement which is altered due to high progesterone.


Cinnamon is quite helpful in relieving PMS symptoms by helping in mood regulation, reducing uterine cramps, relieving abdominal bloating and by protecting the body from oxidative stress.

Lavender, Chamomile, Passionflower, Chasteberry & Black Cohosh

These all are western herbs which are known for their variety of benefits in PMS or premenstrual syndrome. They help in secretion of serotonin, regulate hormones, ease uterine cramps and are good for bowel movements as well.


In premenstrual syndrome a female generally suffers a lot and is not able to express herself. She might get irritated and angry easily but it's not her speaking, it's her hormones and for that one should be understanding. PMS is characterized by a range of physical, emotional, and psychological symptoms that occur before menstruation. Ayurvedic herbs offer natural and holistic support for managing PMS by addressing underlying imbalances in the body and promoting overall well-being.


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