How To Improve Your Liver Function Naturally

How To Improve Your Liver Function Naturally

The liver is one of the most vital organs in the body, yet it often goes unnoticed and undervalued. 

It is known to produce bile, which helps in the detoxification process. But did you know the liver plays an important role in almost every bodily function, including digestion, metabolism, circulation, immunity, energy storage, and sex hormone metabolism? 

Whatever we eat or drink gets digested in the stomach, absorbed in the blood, and taken to the liver for filtration. The liver is programmed to filter nutrients that are naturally consumed, but it also has to deal with alcohol, toxins, and medicines that leave serious impacts on its health. 

Poor lifestyle and diet choices can harm liver health, but making the right changes can help restore it. Ayurvedic remedies suggest making healthy changes in terms of diet and lifestyle to restore liver health. In this blog, let’s discuss how to improve your liver function naturally and acknowledge its importance in overall health.

Understanding Liver Function From Ayurvedic Perspective 

In Ayurveda, Agni is the digestive fire that facilitates digestion, while metabolic functions are governed by balanced Pitta dosha. Liver plays a vital role in digestion and metabolism through the following functions:  

  • Detoxification: Liver is involved in the removal of alcohol, drugs, hormones, and other toxins from the body. 
  • Bile production and storage: The liver produces bile juice, stored in the gallbladder, aiding fat digestion and cholesterol removal. 
  • Absorption of nutrients and medications: Liver ensures the essential molecules enter the bloodstream and waste gets expelled. 
  • Blood detoxification and clotting: Liver helps in the synthesis of clotting factors and blood purification process. 
  • Storage of vitamins and minerals: Liver helps secure essential nutrients for bodily functions. 
  • Liver helps maintain body temperature through metabolic activities. 

Signs of Poor Liver Function 

According to Ayurveda, poor liver function is often linked to an imbalance in Pitta dosha, particularly Ranjaka Pitta, which governs blood quality, haemoglobin levels, pigmentation of tissues, blood, and skin. 

Imbalanced Pitta dosha can lead to symptoms such as: 

  • Fatigue 
  • Confusion and forgetfulness 
  • Bloating 
  • Swelling in the legs and tummy 
  • Yellowing of the skin (jaundice) 
  • Over-acidic tendencies in the blood due to disrupted Rasa (plasma) and Rakta (red blood cells) Dhatus 
  • Excessive bleeding after a cut 

    Importance of Maintaining Liver Health

    Liver health is foundational for overall well-being, as it regulates both physical energy and mental clarity. A balanced liver ensures optimal digestion, detoxification, and maintenance of essential bodily functions like blood circulation and immune response. 

    Maintaining the equilibrium of Pitta dosha and Agni is critical for preventing liver damage from alcohol, improper diet, and irregular sleep. The balance supports the liver's role in sustaining the body's energy systems and preventing disorders. 
    By integrating Ayurvedic principles, one can strengthen the liver's function naturally. 

    Natural Ways to Improve Liver Function 

    1. Eat a Liver-Friendly Diet

    Include nutrient-rich foods in your diet. Eat high fibre foods that promote weight management and proper liver function. Foods that support liver health: 

    • Leafy greens (spinach, kale) are rich in vitamins and nutrients that balance doshas. 
    • Cruciferous vegetables (broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, brussel sprouts, etc.) contain compounds that enhance detoxification. 
    • Healthy fats (avocado, nuts, olive oil, seeds) are rich in antioxidants and vitamin E. They also reduce fat accumulation in the liver and improve liver enzyme levels.   
    • Fatty fishes are rich in Omega-3 fatty acids which help reduce inflammation and liver fat.  
    • Antioxidant-rich fruits (berries, citrus, grapefruit) that reduce inflammation and protect cells. Blueberries and cranberries are rich in anthocyanins that help improve fatty liver and inhibit the growth of liver cancer cells. 
    • Fruits like grapes contain compounds that reduce inflammation. 
    • Beetroot juice contains nitrates and betalains that reduce oxidative damage and liver inflammation. 

      The method of food preparation is just as important as the diet itself. Cooking methods that don’t add extra fats, like steaming, grilling and baking, etc. must be preferred over deep frying or searing. 

      2. Incorporate Herbs and Supplements

      Natural remedies are the best Ayurvedic medicine for supporting liver health. Choose Life Aveda’s liver care supplements such as Premium Liv Guard capsules and syrup. Our Liver detox capsules are infused with purest herbal extracts that naturally support liver function. 

      Some of the potent herbs that support liver health include: 

      • Bhumyamalaki: Cleanses, detoxifies, and improves liver function.
      • Katuki: A powerful herb that stimulates bile secretion for fat digestion.
      • Punarnava: Detoxifies, acts as a diuretic, and rejuvenates the liver.
      • Kalmegh: Protects and enhances liver health, known as the "King of Bitters."
      • Amla: Rich in antioxidants, supports liver function, and balances doshas.
      • Turmeric: Contains curcumin with anti-inflammatory properties to protect the liver.
      • Guduchi: Strengthens liver function and boosts immunity.
      • Haritaki: A detoxifying herb that supports digestion and liver health.
      • Bhringraj: Promotes liver and gallbladder function, aiding in liver health.

        Try our Ayurvedic liver tonic that supports liver health and manages liver concerns naturally.

        3.Engage in Regular Exercise

        Regular exercises promote healthy liver functions by processing fats and toxins. Regular exercise can lower triglycerides levels and reduce liver fat. Reach and maintain a moderate weight to support healthy liver function. Daily give 20-30 minutes to liver-friendly exercises like yoga, walking, swimming, etc. Staying active helps maintain a healthy weight that supports liver function. 

        4. Avoid processed foods and sugary drinks

        These foods are full of empty calories with no considerable nutrient amount. Moreover, overconsumption of these leads to unhealthy weight gain which damages the liver. Sugary drinks are often laced with harmful chemical preservatives that get deposited in the liver and cause liver damage. Take care of your sweet cravings by healthy alternatives like dried and fresh fruits that are full of antioxidants and promote liver health. 

        5. Limit Alcohol and Toxins

        Alcohol is the most damaging factor for liver health and is the major cause of liver failure and diseases. It is advisable to limit daily alcohol intake but complete abstinence is the answer for the sake of liver health. Environmental toxins from pollution and fertilizers impact liver health severely. Avoid toxic exposures by covering your face and body while out. Eat organic and fresh farm produce with least chances of adulterations. 

        6. Stay Hydrated

        Water is seriously underrated in terms of health sustenance. On top of providing the body with essential nutrients, water also flushes out toxins. During winters we do not feel the need of drinking water but that’s when dehydration occurs. 

        Drink 10 glasses of water a day irrespective of thirst or needs. Keep a water bottle close at all times. Make it a habit to take a sip every 10 minutes. If you stay hydrated, your liver stays healthy. 

        7. Prioritise Rest and Sleep

        Adequate sleep is an important factor in liver health rejuvenation. Liver works overnight for detoxification and when you don’t get enough sleep, the liver system slows down. 

        Get proper sleep daily by adopting healthy practices. Stay active, mix high and low intensity level cardio to tire yourself out. Eat a light dinner and go to bed without your phone. Keep your sleeping area clean and well ventilated. Let your liver work while you sleep. 

        8. Manage Stress Levels

        Stress is one of the silent causes of poor liver health. Increased stress levels lead to hormonal and metabolic decline that negatively impacts liver health. Stress induces liver inflammation and can cause severe liver problems like liver fibrosis. 

        Manage stress via relaxation techniques like meditation, deep breathing (pranayama), light exercises, and gardening. Go out in nature and have calming thoughts. Life Aveda’s premium De-Stress is the best Ayurvedic medicine for stress relief which works naturally. 


        Poor lifestyle choices take a huge toll on liver health. To reverse the damage, Ayurveda suggests certain natural remedies that include a healthy diet, lifestyle, and herbal formulations like Life Aveda’s liver detox medicines. 

        In addition to these changes, complete abstinence from alcohol must be followed. Once you establish healthy habits  that support liver health, make sure to maintain consistency. 

        If you need to learn more about liver care, visit our online store for a diverse range of Ayurvedic liver medicines available as liver detox capsule and tonic. 

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