The Kapha Dosha is one of the three doshas that are responsible for maintaining balance in the body. But any imbalance in the doshas can lead to diseased states in the body. Kapha dosha is responsible for stability in the human body. It is also called Shaleshma and its meaning is to cohere, keep together or to adhere. That’s why it is also known to bring structural integrity to joints, muscles and ligaments. The kapha dosha is also helpful in Ropana (healing process in the body), Purana (Providing nutrition to the whole body) and bala (Providing strength). In this blog, we will discuss the entire details of the kapha dosha and the characteristics of kapha prakriti purusha.
Kapha dosha is the potential energy and as mentioned above it is responsible for structural integrity in the musculoskeletal system. The kapha is related to bala or strength to perform any task or any type of work. It is a potential source of resistance against diseases and aging. The body growth along with weight is both regulated by kapha. The body fluids, either external or internal are composed of kapha and also serve essential purposes of the body.
Comprehensive Guide to Kapha
Kapha dosha is known to bring stability and heaviness to the body. It is known to control body fluids and maintain the structural cohesion of the organism. The kapha dosha has five subtypes, each with its own sathana (location) and karya (function). Further in this blog, we will discuss the properties of kapha dosha along with factors for its imbalance and characteristics of kapha Prakriti purusha.
Properties of Kapha Dosha
स्निग्धः शीतो गुरुर्मन्द श्लक्षणो मृत्स्नः स्थिरः कफः। (Ashtanga Hridaya)
Parameters |
Properties |
Guru (Heavy) |
Manda (Slow) |
Sheeta (Cold) |
Snigdha (oily) Shalkshan (Smooth/Clear) Mritsan (Slimy) |
Sathirta (Stability) |
Types of Kapha Dosha
The Five types of Kapha dosha are as follows:
Avlambak Kapha
Kledaka Kapha
Bodhaka Kapha
Tarpaka Kapha
Shleshhaka Kapha
Locations & Functions of 5 types of Kapha
The location and function of five types of Kapha are mentioned in the table below:
S.No |
Types Of Kapha |
Location |
Function |
1. |
Avlambak Kapha |
Ura (Chest) |
Triksandharana (Support area of conjugation of the head with two arms) Annarasasahitenhridyaavalambana (Support the structure and functioning of the heart by the power of nutrients provided by food) |
2 |
Kledaka Kapha |
Amashaya (Stomach) |
Praklinnambhinnasanghata (Liquefaction of food articles to facilitate easy digestion) |
3 |
Bodhaka Kapha |
Jihvamula (Tongue) Kantha (Throat) |
Rasajyane (Facilitate the taste perception) |
4 |
Tarpaka Kapha |
Shira (Head) |
Tarpanata (Nourishes the sense organs) |
5 |
Shleshhaka Kapha |
Sandhi (Joints) |
Arva sandhi anu graha (Support structural and functional integrity of all joints) |
Factors Responsible for Kapha Imbalance in the Body
The Factors of Kapha aggravation and pacification are as follows:
Factors responsible for Aggravation of Kapha Dosha
The factors that are responsible for the vitiation of Kapha dosha are divided into natural and acquired. The natural factors are as follows:
Season or ritu: Accumulation of kapha gets vitiated in vasanta (Spring).
Various Stages of Digestion: It increases in the first stage of easy digestion or immediately after eating food. It is called bhuktamatra.
Biological Rhythm of Day & night: Kapha increases in the early morning hours.
Age: In childhood, there is dominance of kapha dosha as compared to other doshas.
On the other hand the acquired factors responsible for the same are a diet rich in food with sweet, sour and salty tastes. In addition, heavy-to-digest food, cheesy greasy food and excessive water intake aggravate kapha.
Some mistakes in lifestyle can also contribute to the aggravation of kapha dosha Like Divaswapna (daytime sleep), Avyayama (lack of exercise), Nisha Ambupana (drinking water at night) etc.
Also Read: Pitta Prakriti: Embracing Pitta Dosha in Body & Mind!
Factors responsible for the Pacification of Kapha
The factors are as follows:
- Bringing about a change in your day-to-day life or routine can be of great help. It provides stimulation and excitement.
- Eating food that is dominant in tastes like pungent, bitter and astringent ones.
- Physical activity also helps in the pacification of kapha dosha and eliminates harmful toxins from the body by regulating bowel movements.
- Warmth is also one of the pacification factors as people with kapha dosha are sensitive to cold and damp places.
- Favor warm substances in your regular diet especially spices like cinnamon, cloves and dried ginger, basil, turmeric etc.
Signs of Kapha Imbalance in the body
Kapha Imbalance in the body is denoted by the following signs:
Sahityam (Feeling of coldness)
Sthairyam (Stiffness in the body)
Gauravam (Heaviness of body)
Avasada, Tandra (Depression & Drowsiness)
Sandhivishlesh (Lack of firmness in joints)
Agni Sadhana (Low digestive power)
Sathulaya (Obesity)
Srota Pidana (blockage in microchannels)
Murcha (Syncope)
Hrillasa (Nausea)
Angasada (Flaccidity)
Daurbalya (Weakness)
Udveshtana (Twitching Pain)
Angamardana (Body aches)
Sphotana (cracking or breaking pain)
Hridayarnava (palpitations)
Kapha Prakriti Purusha
Kapha Prakriti Purusha has following characteristics: (Charaka Samhita Viman sthana 8/96)
तस्यस्नेहाच्छ्लेष्मलाःस्निग्धाङ्गाः Due to dominance of kapha organs are greasy
श्लक्ष्णत्वाच्छ्लक्ष्णाङ्गाः Predominance of kapha results in smooth organs
मृदुत्वाद्दृष्टिसुखसुकुमारावदातगात्राः Due to smoothness of kapha dosha kapha prakriti purusha has pleasing, delicate and fair organs
माधुर्यात्प्रभूतशुक्रव्यवायापत्याः Because of sweetness person has abundant semen, libido along with progeny
सारत्वात्सारसंहतस्थिरशरीराः Nature of essence contributes to excellent, compact and stable body
मन्दत्वान्मन्दचेष्टाहारव्याहाराः Slow in activities, diet and speech
स्तैमित्यादशीघ्रारम्भक्षोभविकाराः Delay in initiation, irritation and slow change in attitude
तथाऽच्छत्वात्प्रसन्नदर्शनाननाःप्रसन्नस्निग्धवर्णस्वराश्चभवन्ति : Clear eyes, face along with clear complexion and affectionate vocals
तएवङ्गुणयोगाच्छ्लेष्मलाबलवन्तोवसुमन्तोविद्यावन्तओजस्विनःशान्ताआयुष्मन्तश्चभवन्ति : Due to such qualities such people are strong, wealthy, well learned, brave, calm and lives longer.
In the above blog, we have discussed all the aspects and details regarding kapha dosha and a person who has dominance of kapha dosha in his or her body. The dominance of doshas in the body is decided at the time of birth but still, at different stages of life, there is an increase and decrease in dosha. It is according to age and habits as well. So, the perfect way to keep the body dosha in balance is eating a balanced diet, nothing in excess or nothing in less quantities, taking care of our sleep cycles and maintaining discipline in life.