Hormonal imbalance, poor blood circulation, irregular menstrual cycle, indigestion, and accumulation of Vata Dosha can lead to improper breast development or sagging breasts in girls during their growth years. Sagging shapeless breasts can impact the self-confidence of females and lead to stress and depression.
Life Aveda’s Breast Development combo pack is formulated using natural herbs and ingredients that support healthy breast development by releasing prolactin that promotes the growth of breast tissues to enhance their appearance and make them look fuller. It aids in uplifting sagging breasts and low self-confidence.
- Vidari kand, Pueraria tuberosa - 150mg
- Varahi kand, Tacca aspera - 100mg
- Shatavari, asparagus racenosus - 100mg
- Fennel seed, Foeniculum vulgare - 60mg
- Fenugreek, Trigonella foenum-graecum - 60mg
- Lodhra, Symplocos racemosa - 30mg
- Helps increase bust size by adding extra growth to bust tissues.
- The natural herbs encourage fuller and firmer breast growth.
- Regulates hormonal balance and is free from side effects.
- Uplifts sagging breasts by supporting proper blood circulation.
- Boosts self-confidence in women by enhancing the appearance of shapeless breasts.
- Standardized extracts of Shatavari.
- Regulates healthy hormonal flow during menopause.
- Rejuvenates female health and reproductive system.
- Promotes overall female well-being and vitality.
- Supports healthy breast development.
- Helps manage stress, sleeplessness, irritability, and mood swings.
- Ashoka – 100 mg
- Lodhra – 100 mg
- Kachnar- 100 mg
- Nagkesar – 50 mg
- Shatavari – 50 mg
- Triphala – 50 mg
- Ashwagandha – 50 mg
- Boosts female health by treating hormonal imbalance.
- Supports overall health and vitality in females.
- Boosts immunity by reestablishing stamina and energy in women.
- Increases libido, strength, and endurance in women.
- Supports healthy breast growth and development.

Breast Development Combo Pack
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