Chronic Kidney Diseases are the most common form of kidney disorder. The condition occurs when a disease or condition affects the healthy functioning of the kidney. Diabetes, high blood pressure, various heart conditions, smoking, obesity, old age, etc. may be responsible for triggering kidney disorders.
Life Aveda’s Kidney Restore Pack is composed of four herbal formulations that support healthy kidney functioning. The Ayurvedic ingredients used in the making of the Kidney Restore Pack control the risk of kidney disorders and aid in eliminating toxins from the kidney to promote the overall working of the body.
- Detoxifies the kidney by eliminating accumulated toxins.
- Prevents UTIs and other kidney infections.
- Promotes healthy kidney functioning.
- Standardized extracts of Punarnava.
- Possesses bitter, cooling, and astringent properties.
- Supports efficient kidney and urinary tract functioning.
- Boosts digestive and metabolic processes.
- Promotes faster healing and recovery.
- Standardized extracts of Varuna.
- The anti-inf;ammatry properties help in managing inflammation.
- Acts as an appetizer and helps in promoting the metabolism.
- Helps in treating and prveenting kidney stone formation.
- Possesses diuretic properties.
- Helps in managing urinary problems.
- Natural components help in promoting healthy glow.
- Improves overall functioning of the body.
- Aids in managing indigestion and general body weakness.
Chronic Kidney Disorder Relief Pack
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